The ADS-B Receiver Project

Create your own ADS-B receiver and web portal.

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The ADS-B Receiver Project Portal

The ADS-B Receiver Project scripts offer the option to install a web based portal developed to work together with the software you decide to install. Portal features in Version 2 include the following.

Supported Operating Systems

The installation scripts are being developed and tested on the following operating systems.
However, they should work on most recent Debian based Linux distributions as well.

Supported Hardware

A receiver can be run on a multitude of different hardware platforms. Some feature may not be available on some platforms. This includes insttances where third party software being installed by the scripts is not compatible and in particular features such as the system performance graphs available via the portal.

The following hardware is being used for development and testing at this time.*

* It would be impossible at this time to officially support all single-board computers like the Raspberry Pi with the multitude of single-board computer variants currently available on the market. As I am able I will do my best to aquire additional single-board computers as they become more popular in order to better support a wider range of devices.